If you’re the manager at a hospital, nursing home, or another medical establishment, you know how important it is to maintain a team spirit and dedicated staff in order to provide excellent care. One way you can encourage your employees to stay happy and help them feel more like a team is by employing a fun activity that they can share together. Lanyards are great for this because they are simple and inexpensive to produce.
Today’s healthcare facilities have large inventories of lanyards for their employees. Yet, their use is often limited to certain occasions or locations. If you want to motivate your staff members and help them, feel secure inside the workplace, consider hiring an online lanyard maker to start making customised lanyard designs at a fraction of the cost you would pay your local vendor.
By hosting lanyard contests that include prizes for the most popular designs, you will encourage staff members to wear them daily. You will also find they will be more willing and ready to participate in team-building activities as well as to help out when needed. Customized healthcare lanyards are a fantastic way to easily identify staff and which department or ward they are working in.

The process
To start the process, you need to first decide exactly how you want your lanyards created. Given all the various options available, it is important that you stick with a style that feels right and looks professional. The next step is to look at what materials are available and the pricing of each option. There are a number of different options available and 2 of the most popular lanyards in Ireland are the sublimated lanyards and also the woven lanyards.
Once you have chosen your style and material, you can go ahead and contact a lanyard maker for a quotation of costs. This is crucial because your choices will vary from those of a typical vendor, which means the prices will be lower. This is also another way you can save money whilst also not compromising on quality. Online stores do not have the overheads of physical retail stores such as rent costs.
The lanyard maker will need to know your sizing needs for each design and any customisation options you desire – for example, the size of the logos and any text. A few lanyard makers have large inventories of styles, so when you are initially considering vendors make sure to review their selection and cost in comparison to others. Broadly speaking the cheapest lanyards in Ireland are dye sublimated materials and these allow for print on both sides of the material.
Once your information has been received, your lanyard maker can begin combining the options with what they already have available to come up with several potential new designs. Some lanyard makers offer a digital or even physical sample or mock-up service to help ensure everything is in line before you finalise your order. For customers looking to order in bulk quantities, this is important so that they can put their minds at rest.
Selecting the final design
Once the mockup designs are complete, you need to decide which one/s to use. There are several reasons why you might not use every one of them. These include choosing a design that does not match your colour scheme or some that just do not look quite right. It is important to review all the designs and pick out those you like most. Once they are approved, they can be sent off for printing and assembly by your lanyard maker. Various accessories such as buckles, clips, pull reels and safety breaks can be attached to the lanyard as per requirements.
Once the custom printed lanyards arrive, they can be distributed to the different departments. Some healthcare facilities use different coloured lanyards for different wards and it makes it much easier for patients to recognize staff members from the relevant departments. You will find that your staff will be eager to show off their custom lanyards while patients, visitors, and family members will enjoy seeing the various designs
Custom Lanyards Keep Your Staff Happy
By employing a custom lanyard maker to design and produce customised lanyards for all your staff members, you’ll encourage them to feel part of a team. In addition, you’ll make them feel more secure while performing their duties. These lanyards are simple yet effective and can be used on a daily basis to help promote camaraderie among staff members. They of course also act as a way of displaying an ID badge or any type of key or fob that may be required to access certain areas of the building.
We provide custom lanyards in Ireland for healthcare facilities and many other types of organizations that care for patients. We have years of experience in the identity solution industry and our sales team is on hand to assist with any queries you may have. We have a large inventory of plain lanyards in stock for immediate dispatch and customised lanyards normally have a production time of about 10-14 days. Our printed lanyards are offered at very affordable pricing and our fast turnaround times help with any tight deadlines. Order now custom lanyards for your healthcare management and leave the rest to us.
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